At Bread Flavors, we believe strongly in the security and privacy of your personal Information. Our website, found at, is governed by the following Privacy Policy, which describes the information we collect and how it is used and shared. This policy applies only to this website.


We collect two types of information: 

  • information that you provide when you subscribe to receive emails, enter giveaways, or leave comments on the website. 
  •  tracking information collected as you navigate through our site.

When you register on our site, you may be asked to provide your name, email address, or website. However, you may visit our site anonymously.


We could make the following uses of the data we’ve collected:

  • to run and maintain up this website;
  • To respond to your comments or questions;
  • to send you newsletters or other promotional information;
  • To send you administrative communications, including  confirmation emails, policy updates, or security alerts;
  • To track and measure advertising on this website;
  • To protect, investigate and deter illegal or unauthorized activity.

Blog Comments / Information Visible to the Public

If you leave a comment on this website, certain information such as your name (or pseudonym) may be visible to the public. If you wish, you can also add an avatar and/or a link to your website. Other users can see your username, avatar and website information. But your e-mail address will never be publicly accessible.


If you decide to subscribe to our newsletter, we may use your e-mail address in the future to contact you about our site. However, each e-mail promotion will provide information on how to opt-out of futurs mailings. Your e-mail address and privacy will always be protected.

Third-Party Use of Information

We may share your information with third parties when you explicitly authorize us to do so.

In addition, this website may use third-party service providers to manage various aspects of the website. The use of your personal information by each third-party service provider is dictated by their respective privacy policies, which can be viewed on their respective websites.

We currently use the following third-party service providers:

Google Analytics

This service tracks website usage and provides information such as referring websites and user actions on this website. Google Analytics may record your IP address, but no other personal information is recorded by Google Analytics. For more information, please consult Google Analytics’s privacy policy.


This service is used to send email updates and newsletters. To do so, we keep your name and email address on file.  For more information, please refer to ConvertKit’s privacy policy.

Currently, no third-party applications have access to your personal information. Only this website has the authority to modify this list.

We will not sell, distribute, or disclose your email address or other personal information without your consent, except as required by law. However, we may disclose or transfer personal information collected through this site to a third party that acquires all or a portion of our business. This may occur as a result of a merger, consolidation, or purchase of all or a portion of our assets, or in connection with a bankruptcy or reorganization proceeding brought by or against us.


This website uses cookies to store visitors’ preferences, record user-specific information about which pages visitors access or visit, ensure that visitors are not repeatedly sent the same banner ads, customize website content based on visitors’ browser type or other information provided by the visitor. Third-party services, such as Google Analytics, Google AdSense, and Amazon, may also use cookies.

Users can prevent cookies from being set by adjusting their internet browser settings. Cookies that have already been set can also be deleted at any time using an internet browser or other software programs. This can be done in all popular internet browsers. We recommend consulting your browser’s Help section. Please note that if you disable cookies in your internet browser, some functions of this website may not be fully available.


On our website, you can subscribe to our newsletter. This newsletter may be used for advertising purposes. All newsletters sent may contain a tracking pixel. The pixel is embedded in the email and is used to analyze the success of online marketing campaigns.

These tracking pixels allow us to see if and when you open an email, and which links you click. This allows us to tailor the content of future newsletters to the user’s interests. This behavior is not shared with third parties.

Opting Out

If we decide to send newsletter updates in the future and we have your e-mail address on file, you may receive a copy of our newsletter. However, you will find an easy way to unsubscribe at the bottom of each newsletter.

You can unsubscribe from future e-mail communications by following the unsubscribe links in our e-mails. You can also contact us to unsubscribe from our mailing list. We hate spam as much as you do, and have no intention of filling your inbox with unwanted messages.

Please note that we may retain certain information for archival purposes, to complete transactions or as required by law.

Sensitive Personal Information

You should never provide this website with sensitive personal data. This includes your social security number (or a social security number equivalent), information regarding race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, health information, criminal background, or trade union memberships. 

If you elect to submit such information to us, it will be subject to this Privacy Policy, and we are not to be held liable for anything that may happen to it. If you leave a comment with any sensitive information, it will be visible to any user of this website and can be misused by others not related to this website. Please keep this information private.

Information for children

We comply with the requirements of COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act), we never collect information from anyone under the age of 13. Our website, products and services are intended for people aged 13 and over. Protecting children’s privacy is important to us. We do not knowingly allow anyone under the age of 13 to provide personally identifiable information. Children under 13 should not provide any information about themselves on the Internet (including name, e-mail address and telephone number).

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us immediately at