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No-Knead Jerusalem Bagel Recipe

Hafedh Garfa
This simple Jerusalem bagel recipe is easy to make and doesn’t require any kneading of dough. It has a soft and crispy exterior thanks to the sesame seeds, and a dense, light open crumb texture.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Bake Time 15 minutes
Rise Time 1 hour 25 minutes
Total Time 2 hours
Course Yeast Bread
Cuisine Mediterranean, palestinian
Servings 6 Bagels



  • 4 Cup All-Purpose Flour
  • 1 ¾ Cup Lukewarm Water
  • 3 Tsp Sugar
  • 3 Tsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Instant Dry Yeast (or Active Dry Yeast)
  • 1 Tsp Coarse Sea Salt


  • 2 Cup Sesame
  • 2 Tsp Molasses (or Sugar or honey)
  • 1 Tbsp water


  • Prepare the dough: Whisk together the lukewarm water, dry yeast, sugar, and olive oil in a liquid measuring cup or mixer bowl and sit it for 2 minutes to check if the yeast is still active.
  • Knead the dough: In the stand mixer bowl, add the yeast mixture to the all-purpose flour, then place it in the stand mixer fitted with the dough hook and mix on 1st speed for 1-2 minutes until the dough comes together. Next, add salt and continue kneading your bagel dough for 7-8 minutes until the dough becomes slightly sticky. (If you don't have a stand mixer, you can do this in a large mixing bowl and mix the dough with a spoon or spatula for 10 minutes. It will take a tiny bit of your energy)
  • 1st Rise: Take the dough out of the stand mixer, place it in an Oiled large bowl, and cover the bowl with cling film for 40 minutes until it rises and doubles.
  • Once the dough has doubled in size, dust the baking board with flour and punch down the bagel dough to remove the gases. Transfer the dough to the board, round it, and let it for 15 minutes. 
  • Cut your Jerusalem Bagel dough into 6 pieces (About 5-6 ounces per piece) shape them into a round, then cover with a napkin and let them rest for 15 minutes.
  • At this point, take a plate or a baking sheet and put 2 cups of sesame seeds, 2 teaspoons of pomegranate molasses (sugar or honey), and 1 tablespoon of water in it. Mix it all together to use later as a topping for the bagels.
  • Cover your baking sheet with parchment paper. (I use 2 oven sheets) and Preheat the oven to 430°F (220°C).
  • Shape the bagels: Take a piece and press your thumb finger into the center of the ball to make a hole. Then use your thumbs and fingers to twirl and giving some pressure extending it outwards to enlarge the hole gently and opening into an ellipse shape at the same time.
  • Repeat with the rest of the remaining piece of dough.
  • Bagel topping: Place the ring-shaped dough on the sesame plate and top your bagel with sesame seeds. Make sure sesame seeds are all over the dough. (If you have trouble sticking the sesame seeds into the dough, fill a low bowl with water. Dip the dough into it and then in the sesame. It will be easy for you).
  • 4th rise: Place the bagel dough on the baking sheet, cover it with a napkin, and allow it to rise for 15 minutes.
  • Bake: Place a tray in the bottom of your oven then place sesame bagels in the oven, quickly fill the bottom tray with ice cubes, and turn off the oven. Bake the Jerusalem bagels for 15 minutes until they are deep golden brown in color.


Rise time: I made this recipe at 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius), so consider adding or reducing the rising time. For example, if you make these bagels in colder temperatures, change the rise times to (1 hour for the 1st rise and 20 minutes for the other rises).